Top features why a dedicated WordPress hosting is best for your website

Dedicated servers are often looked upon as over-expensive web hosting solutions. You may consider them an overkill for your business, but there is no denying the fact that they are the best hosting solution out there.

Today, we will tell you some features of a dedicated WordPresshosting that makesit the best for your business.


This is the key factor why most businesses choose a dedicated WordPress server hosting to host their website. A dedicated WordPress hosting server is administered and maintained by a team of professionals who provide online support and work towards optimising the performance of the server.

Unlike shared and VPS hosting plans which give you access to limited resources, dedicated server hosting provides a good hosting support. This in turn increases the reliability.


Every business aims to grow their customer base and increase revenues. However, with the limited resources provided by theshared hosting, it can be challenging to handle the high traffic spikes. This is where a dedicated server excels.

In a dedicated WordPress hosting, 100% resources of the server are available for you. The speed, bandwidth, and the resources of the server are entirely at your disposal.

Also, it has excess resources that you can use as and when your business grows. Also, there is an option of adding multiple dedicated servers if your business grows exponentially. Thus the scalability of a dedicated server is immense.


Your website needs security. When you are on a shared hosting, security can be a major concern due to the many websites using the same server. In case of a security breach, your operations might stop, reputation might suffer and also cause you a sizeable revenue loss.

Security is the highlight of a dedicated server hosting. It provides you unparalleled protection, as you can customise your security by adding firewalls and other protection. Also, it allows the quick installation of security patches and easy upgrades.All this improves the security of your website and offer excellent protection against attacks and intrusions.


In a dedicated WordPress hosting, you have the freedom to install and configure the software and other programs as per your business requirements. You are in control of the functions of the dedicated server.

A dedicated server also has comparativelylesser maintenance costs, as the hosting provider will have a team of experts to take care of the server round the clock. They ensure that the latest updates and security patches are installed and the server is protected from spam and malware.

This ensures peace of mind and leaves you free to concentrate on your business.


The uptime offered by a dedicated WordPresshosting is the best amongst all the other options. The hosting provider uses state-of-the-art technology to secure the server. The physical server is also protected by round-the-clock monitoring and against any power fluctuations or connectivity issues.

Also, the hosting provider ensures that the hardware connected to the server is of excellent quality. The provider also ensures that it is properly maintained. In short, the web hosting provider ensures that you get the best hardware along with excellent technical infrastructure.

All this ensures that you get an excellent uptime, which in turn will boost your business.

Apart from this, you get preferred services from hosting provider in India. You may also have access to additional resources. So, if you have a large business or expect it to grow exponentially, you know which web hosting solution to go for.


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