
Showing posts with the label home loan

Understand What Is Top-Up Loan And Why Should You Opt For One

Introduction: In situations where an individual may need funds for immediate use, they may come across a variety of options to obtain the credit they seek either in the form of personal loans, consumer loans, car loans, home loans, education loans and so on. One method that may benefit them in certain cases in the long run comes in the form of a top up loan. Top up loans are additional loan amounts to existing home loans, personal loans or even vehicular loans in some cases, lent by banks and other financial institutions to borrowers that can be used for almost any purpose of their choosing. This is a great way to obtain funds for immediate use without having to go through the hassle of a full loan application process again. Top up loans may have longer tenures and lower interest rates depending upon the borrower’s credit history and the financial institution involved, which may make them more economical alternatives to other types of loans in some scenarios. The loan amount, interest ...