Health Minister Etela Rajender Garu, inaugurates the 6th ida Telangana State Dental Conference
The three day, 6t
h ida Telangana State Dental Conference 2019, was formally inaugurated by the Chief Guest Etela Rajender Garu, Medical & Health and Family Welfare, Telangana State; at Cyber Conventions. Also on the occasion Guests of Honour, Shri Palla Rajeshwar Reddy Garu, MLC, Chairman & Director, Telangana Rashtriya Rythu Samanvaya Samithi, Cabinet Rank; inaugurated the Trade Exhibition and Dr B Karunakar Reddy Garu, Vice Chancellor, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, inaugurated the Scientific Session. The Organizing Committee members of the Conference Dr. S. Jagadeeswara Rao, President, IDA Telangana State; Dr. P. Karunakar, Organising Chairman; Dr. K. V. Thrinath Reddy, Conference Chairman; Dr. Y. S. Reddy, Co Organising Chairman; Dr. M. Praveen Kumar, Hon. General Secretary; Dr. A. Srikanth, Organising Secretary; Dr. T. Jayasimha Reddy, Conference Secretary and Dr. K Aditya Sandeep, Jt Organising Secretary, were present at the inaugural ceremony.
The Conference being held on 13th, 14th and 15th, December 2019, is an initiative of the dental fraternity from Telangana, with support from members of the neighboring states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The profile of the gathering in attendance includes principals, deans, chairmans of various institutes, practitioners, academicians, post- graduate and under- graduate students gearing up to more than 2500 delegates in number. The Dental Council of India has approved 18 credit points for the 6th TSDC conference, which is the highest in any state due to the quality of the event.
Spread over 3 days, the conference kick started on 13th December 2019 with 10 pre-conference hands-on courses and workshops. This provided a platform of opportunity for the general practioners, faculty and students to upgrade their scientific knowledge and clinical skills.
The limelight of the event was showcasing of the knowledge and expertise of 25 + keynote speakers of international and national repute who shared their valuable inputs and updates in research, science and technology. The scientific e-posters and research papers presentations accounted to over 400 in number where both UG and PG students showcased their knowledge and clinical skills, providing an opportunity for the student fraternity to interact with each other and mentors from different institutes. The conference also hosted over 110 trade stalls of international and national companies offering various materials and equipment at economical prices for the benefit of the practitioners and students.
To add colour and spice to the otherwise serious event, a cultural night with gala banquet attended by Tollywood celebrities was arranged to allow the members to de-stress and relax in the company of colleagues. The dental community was benefitted by the opportunity extended by the organizing team and carried away valuable key learning skills to enhance the standard of oral health care to the society.
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