Renowned ENT specialist, Dr E C Vinaya Kumar, bestowed with the ‘GHCEH Award -2019’,
Dr. E. C. Vinaya Kumar, Head, Department of ENT and Cochlear Implant Clinic, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad and founder of Society to Aid the Hearing Impaired (SAHI); was presented the prestigious Global Health Care Equality Humanitarian Award -2019, by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), USA at the recently held AAPI Symposium on Global Health care Equality at Kansas, USA. The award was presented to Dr Vinaya Kumar by Dr Seema Arora, Chair of AAPI Board of Trustees and Dr Suresh Reddy, President & CEO, AAPI; Executive committee of AAPI, Kansas City chapter, AAPI, among others, in recognition of his yeomen services in the mission to make “Deaf Free Telangana and Andhra Pradesh”, at a glittering ceremony attended in large numbers by physicians of Indian Origin. The Global Health care Equality Humanitarian award, instituted by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), USA, is given to the Indian origin docto...